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Journalist Desk


1. VOICE contact CLIENT

Julie contacts the client, and they Agree. (to do an AD.

Julie Sends the Contract through ASG.

2. CLIENT signs Contract. 

Client - Signs and Pays A.S.G.

Julie - Logs information On ASG

3. Julie Collects AD
send Chris Client for AD Create.

Please Do a group email including Chris or  Amelia, Alisha. 

Julie - Sends AD create to Chris with clients e-mail.

(CC and Folder linked to shared Ad & Editorial Drive.



Julie - Collects AD From client and Places in share heard drive " Ads & Editorial" 

Also adds Link to drive in Excel Spread Sheet

4. Chris Collects ADs
Chris emails client for Approval of AD 

Chris - collects Ad from folder and uploads into Final Folder. Also logs complete in Master excel Sheet,



Chris - Or Chris sends created ad to client for approval with Amelia CC on email. Gets approval and uploads it to Final folder in Ad AHrdrive and Logs it in Master Excel Sheet.

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